It feels so, so right to be sitting down to write again and there's something that feels so familiar, like it was just last week that I last wrote a post. The sad reality of course, is that it's been over three dry months of silence from my side. 'Not great for gaining and retaining readership', I can just hear my brother, who acts as a sort of mentor to me saying, accompanied by a stern look of disappointment, of course.
I have however, a very, very valid excuse... Since my last blog post on this site, I have launched my new sight, cooked for oh-so-many people through a busy catering season, ended another term of my degree in Nutrition, had a baby (this is in random order - as this is by far my biggest achievement yet!) and not documented copious amounts of macaron-baking, delicious meals cooked for family and culinary trips that would have been great to share!
So, on that note, I really feel that not blogging has left a gap in my life and am excited about directing you all to - my new site that is finally up and running! The site includes a food styling portfolio and I hope for this to be a lovely space to document this incredible new adventure that we find ourselves on and all the the culinary implications this will have... As you can imagine I'm already planning the healthy meals I'm going to cook my little Luella in six months time!